NJ Anti-Discrimination Laws Regarding Rentals

  • New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD): The NJLAD prohibits discrimination in housing based on various protected characteristics, including race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, familial status, and more. More info at: NJ.Gov 5 Things You Should Know
  • Fair Housing Act: The federal Fair Housing Act also protects against discrimination in housing based on similar protected characteristics. The Fair Housing Act applies nationally but works in conjunction with state laws such as the NJLAD. More info at: huc.gov Fair Housing Overview
  • Familial Status: It's important to note that New Jersey's anti-discrimination laws include protection against discrimination based on familial status. Landlords cannot discriminate against tenants with children or pregnant women. 
  • Reasonable Accommodations: Landlords are generally required to make reasonable accommodations for tenants with disabilities, such as allowing modifications to the living space to accommodate a disability. 
  • Advertising: The NJLAD also prohibits discriminatory advertising in relation to the sale or rental of housing. Landlords should avoid discriminatory statements in their advertisements.
  • Retaliation: Landlords are prohibited from retaliating against tenants who assert their rights under the anti-discrimination laws.
  • Affirmative Marketing: Some housing providers may be required to engage in affirmative marketing to ensure that housing opportunities are made known to all eligible individuals regardless of their protected status.
  • Enforcement: Violations of anti-discrimination laws can result in legal consequences, including fines and damages. Complaints can be filed with the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights.

Remember, laws can change, and it's crucial to check with the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights or consult legal professionals for the most current information on anti-discrimination leasing laws in the state.  More info at:



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Tenant Screening