(732) 807-5757‬ brian@shoreviewpm.com

Tag: Maintenance

NJ Lead Paint Regulations

New Jersey has stringent regulations regarding lead paint in rental properties, particularly in properties built before 1978 when lead-based paint was commonly used. The presence of lead paint poses serious health risks, especially to young children who may ingest lead dust or chips. In New Jersey, landlords are required to […]

Spring Maintenance Schedule for Rental Properties

Performing spring maintenance on a rental property is crucial to ensure that the property remains in good condition and to address any issues that may have arisen during the winter months.

Who benefits from hiring a residential property manager?

Hiring a residential property manager can be beneficial for various individuals or entities involved in property ownership and management. Here are some examples: Ultimately, hiring a residential property manager is beneficial for anyone seeking to offload the day-to-day responsibilities of property management for their investment properties, or their personal homes, […]

How Does a PM Add Value?

A property manager can add significant value to your rental property in several ways: Overall, a competent property manager can add value to your rental property by securing high-quality tenants, maintaining the property’s condition, ensuring legal compliance, optimizing rental income, and reducing your workload and stress levels as a property […]